About Dave Randall
My art reflects my love of colour and composition. My work is brightly coloured and bold, has a psychedelic feel and is somewhat surreal. It also has a certain ‘Pop’ quality about it. My early influences were from artists such as Kandinsky, Klee, Hundertwasser and Miro. My use of line comes from my love of Mayan and Aztec art, but also cartoons and pop culture. I was once a line illustrator working mostly with Disney characters which may have influenced my style a bit

I am on a journey of discovery with my work and that journey as a playful one. My aim is to create beauty and to uplift people in some way. I want people to feel in a better place after seeing my work. I love to see how space can be divided into rhythmic patterns and to find harmony within these spaces. I want the eyes of my audience to to be taken on this journey with me and to discover something within them. The joy I feel when creating is something I want to emanate out into the world.